
authorsThese are considered as the legendary authors of Irish origin and best Irish writers of all time. This compilation of Irish authors is broken up into 3 different sections.

Irish Literature is one of the great literatures of the modern world. It is so precisely because of its engagement with the processes of modernity. So often we think of Irish writing being possessed of a ‘backward look’, poets and dramatists looking to a mythical past in order to escape the unpalatable difficulties of the present and the demands of the future. The evidence of the writing itself, though, tells a different story. It is a story that sees Irish writers engaging directly with an Ireland in a seemingly constant state of flux. For Ireland has been, certainly over the last 200 years, a place of transition.

Irish writing over the last 200 years has reflected this reality of transformation and have produced a number of acclaimed authors. Often, it has been our artists and our writers who have most successfully charted and traced these upheavals in their work. From the poetry of W.B. Yeats and Eavan Boland, the drama of J.M. Synge to Brian Friel and Marina Carr, and the prose fiction of James Joyce and John McGahern, Irish writers have attempted to confront the problems of a society experiencing the trauma of rapid change.

Ireland has blessed the literary world with talents of Joyce, Wilde, Beckett, Shaw, Synge, Yeats, Swift and many more. Those are tough shoes to fill, and fortunately, the Emerald Isle and Dublin continues to produce a steady crop of skilled current authors.  they’re masters of their craft, and because you’re going to need a big book to hide under when you commute to work tomorrow.As Enright writes in the introduction: “If Ireland loves you, then you must be doing something wrong.” Here’s to the dreamers, the misanthropes, and the lonely souls contained in this collection, and long live the short story.

Dublin is also a hotbed of up and coming authors as befits its City of Literature title. It provides many outlets for which talented young authors can produce work for.

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